A Personal Trainer Orange County Reveals Several Exercises For Men To Do At Home

By Tammy Walker

One of the most successful US-based Fortune 500 companies are located in Orange County, California, so it's not surprising to know that there are a lot of busy professionals residing in this area. Women and men alike are both working hard to be successful in their own fields, regardless of the industry they belong to. But the problem that most of these people are confronted with is that they no longer have time for health and wellness. Being busy at work doesn't necessarily mean that you just have to live an unfit lifestyle. For men who are finding it hard to go to the gym to work out, a personal trainer Orange County shares a number of workout routines that can be done at home.


Push-ups are one of the most common forms of workouts that you can do at home and this is essentially the most suggested workouts by some of the personal trainer Orange County to do at home. This workout is easy to perform and it helps to strengthen the muscles on your chest area. To get this done, simply place your palms on the ground at shoulder width apart from each other. Make sure to keep your toes together and your arms should be settled in an extended position. Your chest should be lowered until it's just about an inch off the ground and then lift your body back to the normal position.

Side To Side Lunges

According to a personal trainer Orange County, side to side lunges are ideal for those who wanted to strengthen their leg muscles. To do this, you just stand with a shoulder width distance between your feet and make sure that you place your hands on your hips and keep your torso in an erected position. Your right leg must be lifted sideways as far away possible from the body. Your knees should be bent at an angle of about 90 degrees. Make sure that your left leg is stationary while doing this exercise. Afterwards, bring your right leg back to the original position by flexing your thigh muscles.

Body Weight Squats

The body weight squat is performed in order to exercise the muscles on your thigh and legs, most especially the glutes, hamstring as well as quads. Before you begin with this exercise, a personal trainer Orange County recommends that you position your body in a way that it is shoulder width apart and is maintained between the legs. The squat should be done by bending both knees in a 90-degree angle. Your lower back must be arched well and your body should be bent as if you are trying to sit on a chair. When lowering your body down, you should do this very carefully so that the knees will not bend past the toes.

So these are a number of the exercises that you could do at home by yourself. If you really can't find time to visit the gym, you can have a personal trainer Orange County visit you from time to time in order to carry out some exercise routines to help you to stay in shape in spite of your busy work schedules.

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