General Information On Urgent Care Jacksonville Residents Need To Know

By Lana Bray

Today, urgent care also known as immediate care has undergone significant growth and is the fastest growing sector in the healthcare industry. The need to have medical services that are readily accessible is the main reason behind the accelerated growth. These clinics are not only convenient but are also affordable to a majority of people. A majority of the urgent care Jacksonville based clinics treat cases that occur when they are least expected.

Most of these ambulatory clinics are situated outside hospitals next to emergency departments. Patients are allowed to visit these clinics at any time without having to book for appointments in advance. They mostly deal with medical problems that have to be attended to immediately but no visit to emergency rooms is necessary. These illnesses are not likely to cause deaths.

The introduction of these clinics in the medical industry has presented numerous benefits to patients in many regions of the world. These clinics have opened doors to the public allowing them to get treated for problems that may cause challenges if they are not addressed early enough. These services are readily accessible and telephone numbers are available to request for immediate assistance.

The introduction of point-of-care dispensing has made it possible for the medical professionals working in these clinics to provide prescriptions to patients before they leave. This is achieved by contracting a point- of- care dispensing corporation. This allows the patients to access more services under one roof.

There are a number of reasons why patients prefer visiting these clinics rather than emergency centers found in hospitals. There are monetary benefits as well as time related advantages. The efficiency of the staff ensures that patients spend less time as compared to the time spent at emergency centers. The time taken to get assistance is less than half an hour while in the emergency rooms it may take a number of days.

These services have allowed patients with cases that have to be addressed immediately and life threatening ones that have to be treated in emergency centers. They are helpful when the family physician cannot be reached after an attack. There are various services available in these clinics such as x-rays. Treatment of injuries work related complications, illnesses and laboratory tests. Others are headaches, burns, minor wounds and sprained ankles.

Having a clear understanding of the different roles of this clinic and the emergency room eliminates cases of confusion when faced with a situation. The conditions treated in an emergency room include amputations, severe wounds and chest pains. Emergency rooms deal with patients with serious cases first before attending to those with minor injuries or illnesses. The clinics on the other hand operate on a first come first served basis.

The main reason for the establishment of urgent care Jacksonville based clinics is to reduce the congestion of patients in the emergency department in hospitals. They are conveniently located near residential areas to serve many people. The opening hours are extended and are also opened during weekends and holidays depending on the need. They are relief to those who cannot afford primary care doctors.

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