Muscle Atrophy Hampering Runners

By Chet Sandeksi

After surgery you may find that you are left with scars that you do not want. Even after an electrosurgical procedure, you may want to find a way to minimize the visibility of the scar that was a result of the surgery.

Distance runners internalize mile lengths over long-distances. Whatever distance they rand before, they expect themselves to be able to run that distance again on a given day. There is a certain pride that comes from the speed or distance that they accomplish. Should the runner move any slower or run any shorter than what they have come to expect, they beat themselves up and try pushing to reach their goals. It is a dangerous thing to do. When you push yourself too hard, you could seriously injure yourself, which could lead to electro surgery.

"No pain, no gain," they say. They also say that running is a mental game. All you really have to do is fight through the pain for a while and you can do anything. It's just a matter of pushing through your walls. Whoever they are, take their advice with a grain of salt. Your body can only take so much.

There is also safety that comes in numbers while you are running. When you are running at night or when you are running through busy areas, if you are running with a group you may find security in having people around you at all times and being able to stick with a group.

Some people get bored with running because they do the same type of running routine on a daily basis. Doing the same running routine every day for many days can prove to be boring and you want to avoid getting caught in a rut in which you are frustrated with your running skills.

Signing up for a few races can be a great way to train and add some variety to your runs. Being excited about a race that you are going to participate in can give you the motivation that you need to push through some of the tougher runs and to add some excitement to your routine.

Fourth, eating healthy foods that provide your body with the protein that it needs to reproduce and heal itself is also important. Your diet will make a difference in your body's abilityies body to bounce back from the surgical procedure and start to heal itself.

How much damage do you think your muscles have undertaken when you've missed months of running. Although you can push through walls, you will be tearing muscles to shreds doing it, opening yourself up for incredibly debilitating injuries that require electro surgery to try to help you imitate normal again.

If you enjoy running but take a break for a while, do not expect yourself to run at the same intensity as you did before. Realize that your muscles have undergone such a change, that they cannot handle the challenge that you are presenting to them.

Recover fully before you hit the pavement and make sure that you take care of your body while you run. This way, you can get the benefits of running and ensure that your body is as healthy as you can keep it throughout your life.

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